Two More Exonerations in Tennessee
Senior Legal Counsel Jason Gichner and Tennessee Innocence Project client, Joyce Watkins.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – (January 14, 2022) – On Wednesday, January 12, Judge Angelita Blackshear Dalton of Division II of the Davidson County Criminal Court dismissed the charges against Joyce Watkins and Charlie Dunn, who were wrongfully convicted in 1988 of murder and sexual assault of Watkin’s great niece. Dunn passed away while incarcerated in 2015. Watkins was released that same year after serving 27 years in prison. Watkins and Dunn were convicted because inaccurate medical evidence was presented to a jury.
"I would just like to thank everyone that helped me prove my innocence, it's been a long struggle, but I want to thank the DA's office, I want to thank the [Tennessee Innocence Project], and I want to thank all of the people for their prayers, and... I’m just happy to be out of this mess, which has cost me half of my life for nothing. But I'll get over it. I thank God for me being able to do this. Thank you!” Watkins shared after the hearing.
Jason Gichner, Senior Legal Counsel, led the Tennessee Innocence Project team, which collaborated with the Davidson County District Attorney’s Conviction Review Unit in the pursuit of justice. Sunny Eaton is the Director of the Conviction Review Unit.
"These kinds of cases where people are wrongfully convicted don't need to be, and shouldn't be, adversarial,” Gichner shared. “We welcome the opportunity to work with prosecutors across the state to identify and do something about wrongful convictions.”
The Tennessee Innocence Project saw its first exoneration in August 2021 and has received nearly 300 inquiries and applications for support since its formation.