Join Our Pen Pal Program!

Welcome to the Tennessee Innocence Project Pen Pal Program! Our mission is to provide meaningful connections and support to our clients who are currently incarcerated. Through compassionate and consistent correspondence, we aim to bridge the gap between our clients and the outside world, offering hope and human connection.

Why Become a Pen Pal?

  • Make a Difference: Your letters can be a lifeline for someone facing the challenges of incarceration. By sharing your experiences, thoughts, and encouragement, you can provide much-needed support and a sense of belonging.

  • Build a Connection: Form a unique bond with someone who values your correspondence. Your words can bring comfort, joy, and a reminder that they are not forgotten.

  • Enhance Understanding: Gain insight into the lives and experiences of those affected by wrongful convictions and be a part of their journey toward justice and freedom.

How It Works

  1. Apply: Complete our application form below to become a pen pal. We’ll use the information to match you with a client based on shared interests and preferences.

  2. Write: Commit to writing at least one letter per month for a minimum of one year. Use your first name or a made-up last name, and send your letters directly to the client using our P.O. box address.

  3. Connect: Share stories, hobbies, and words of encouragement. Establish a positive tone and clear boundaries to maintain a respectful and supportive relationship.

  4. Support: Help our clients stay connected to the world outside and improve their morale through consistent and compassionate communication.

Guidelines for Pen Pals

  • Respect Privacy: Use only your first name or a nickname. Do not share personal information such as your address, phone number, or workplace details.

  • Stay Consistent: Write at least one letter per month, even if you do not receive a reply initially.

  • Maintain Boundaries: Clearly state the purpose of your correspondence and ensure the relationship remains platonic.

  • Be Encouraging: Share general information about yourself and things that are meaningful to you. Help our clients stay connected to the outside world.

How to Apply

Interested in becoming a pen pal? Complete our application form below and join us in making a positive impact on the lives of our clients. For any questions or additional information, please contact Becca Morris at